Cavazos one of five in the US to receive School of Innovations a

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Cavazos one of five in the US to receive School of Innovations and Change Award

LUBBOCK, Texas -

Cavazos Middle School is one of five schools and the only middle school in the country to receive the 2016 School of Innovations and Change Award (SICA).

The award includes a $10,000 sustainability grant.

The SICA designation was created in 1999 to recognize schools that rise from under-performing to exemplary.

"There's so much teacher input, that's critical that they own the process because it's really the teachers that are on the front line," said Dr. Jann Coles with SICA. "They're in there everyday working with students, and for a leader to give up that power so to speak, or not having all the answers and really putting in the hands of the teachers to help make the school better. That's impressive and it makes a big difference."

Cavazos will also be recognized in New York City, and the school's principal, Marti Makuta is invited to attend the 19th Annual National Principal's Leadership Institute in July.

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