Tech museum hosts traveling Smithsonian Mail Call exhibit

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Tech museum hosts traveling Smithsonian Mail Call exhibit

LUBBOCK, Texas -

A chance for you to check out some history.

The Museum of Texas Tech is introducing "Mail Call," a traveling version of a permanent exhibit in the National Postal Museum.

The exhibit explores the history of America's military postal system, and examines how even with current technology how troops overseas still treasure mail delivery.

Visitors will get a first-hand account of the hard work that goes into connecting soldiers with their loved ones.

"When I was deployed to Afghanistan, Mail Call was an incredibly important thing for all of us there. It was really the only link we had back to our communities, families, and our country," said Marine veteran Eric Washington.

The Smithsonian exhibit runs Saturday through July 17th. Lubbock is the 13th city and final stop in Texas.

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