LUBBOCK, Texas -
The Salvation Army held a rededication service for its chapel Sunday morning, nearly 18 months after it was engulfed in a fire that totaled the sanctuary chamber in December 2014.
Salvation Army Captain Robert Parker said much of that time was spent negotiating with insurance agents and adjusters to finish the project, but said it gave the Army the opportunity to give the building a much-needed overhaul.
"It had been a long time since the building had been renovated," Parker said. "I think the last time was probably back in the early '80s."
The sanctuary had been completely redone with new equipment, lights, seating, and decorations. It was a full church service, complete with worship singing and a sermon, which Parker titled "Out of the Ashes, We Rise."
"It gives us an opportunity to bring the building up to code and to replace some of the flooring and som eof the broken bits that were falling apart already," Parker said. "It just brings us up to 2016 so we can worship comfortably and be relevant to the people around us."
Parker said the Salvation Army provides 150 beds a night to people in need, and services thousands with food and other assistance throughout the South Plains. You can read more about the Lubbock Salvation Army at its website.