United celebrates 100th anniversary with '100 Days of Giving' ca

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United celebrates 100th anniversary with '100 Days of Giving' campaign

LUBBOCK, Texas -

United Supermarkets is celebrating its 100th anniversary by handing out a $1,000 for 100 days.

To mark the first day of its "100 Days of Giving" campaign the United Family presented a check to Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Southwest.

"Our first give I think it's really appropriate we picked Ronald McDonald house here in Lubbock," said United Supermarkets President Robert Taylor. "They do so many great things for families in a stressful time. And Dana is out here with her dog, Jax. Different things like that really make a family a little more at home and a little more calmer during a time of stress when their kids are sick."

The grocery chain will continue to give $1,000 donations each day to a different local non-profit in each of the 41 communities United Family stores are located.

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