Look Around Lubbock: American Wind Power Center

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Look Around Lubbock: American Wind Power Center


The American Wind Power Center is opening its new 33,000 square-foot expansion on Wednesday, June 22nd at 10 a.m. The new addition will house trains, model houses, interactive exhibits and will feature historic electric producing wind turbines dating back to the 1920’s.

There is a strong relationship between the trains and windmills. Steam engines were only able to travel about 15 to 30 miles at a time before stopping for water. As trains entered the surface dry West Texas, they needed a way to pull water. Train companies purchases windmills to pull groundwater. The Wind Energy Experience center will house about 10 trains, everything from a freight train to the Barnum and Bailey circus train. The G-Scale trains are a bit larger than the Christmas village train sets. The trains will travel through replica scenery of the South Plains from 1900 to 1950.

For more information about the American Wind Power Museum's grand opening can be found on its website

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