LUBBOCK, Texas -
Lubbock's new mayor says he is ready to revisit the issue of possibly installing tornado sirens.
City Council set up a task force in 2013 to look into warning systems. The task force recommended a multi-layered approach -- including sirens -- but council chose not to follow through because of the high cost.
Mayor Dan Pope says he plans to bring up the topic during city budget talks in the coming months. The mayor issued a statement that reads in part: "recent severe weather in our region has brought renewed interest among residents for the city to reconsider an emergency siren notification system."
The mayor also encouraged citizens to take advantage of resources available, including NOAA Weather Radio, subscribing to the LPD Nixle on a mobile phone or email address, and monitor local TV and radio stations.
Full statement:
Recently, Lubbock has experienced severe weather, storm events, and tornado watches. The City of Lubbock Emergency Operations Center monitors local weather conditions and forecasts, and the City responds appropriately to utilize its resources and help the public be informed about dangerous weather conditions. The City of Lubbock encourages citizens to be apprised of changing weather conditions through a variety of resources including NOAA Weather Radio, subscribing to the Lubbock Police Department Nixle on a mobile phone or an e-mail address, or by monitoring your local television or radio station. The Lubbock Fire and Police Department’s Twitter and Facebook, as well as the main City of Lubbock social media pages are another source for receiving accurate, up-to-date information regarding severe weather.
Mayor Dan Pope stated, “This is severe weather and tornado season, and I encourage all citizens to utilize resources that are available to them to monitor severe weather events in our region. Recent severe weather in our region has brought a renewed interest among some citizens for the City to reconsider an emergency siren notification system. I plan to initiate discussions on this topic during our upcoming City Budget deliberations.”