LUBBOCK, Texas -
Uber drivers and passengers, as well as local taxi business owners attended Thursday's City Council meeting to discuss a proposed transportation ordinance.
Citizens speaking to the council expressed opinions on the ride-sharing company, asking for the city not to run Uber out of town.
Texas Tech's student body vice-president, Alex DeRossi, admitted to using the service at least three times a week. He says Uber has become a norm for the 35,000 student population.
"I'll take a stab at my generation," he said. "But we're always on the go, like, we want things now-now-now, that's kind of the driving factor behind Uber, in that we get it right then and there, we get a safe ride and we don't have to wait around, for a safe transportation option."
DeRossi said it's not only the accessibility of Uber that pulls students toward it. It's the chance to get a safe ride home after a night of drinking, along with a low expense that doesn't add to their student debt.
City Council gave approval on the regulation's first reading. It will be up for a second reading and vote in another meeting.