LUBBOCK, Texas -
City Council gave initial approval at Thursday's meeting for updates to building, plumbing and fuel and gas codes.
One item up for review was a local moratorium on yellow-jacketed corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST) for natural gas in new home and business construction in place since 2012.
Newer versions of CSST have extra shielding to make it more resistant to electrical arcing and lightning.
Council will take a second and final vote on the codes at its next meeting.
Becky Teel, the mother of Brennen Teel, who was killed in an explosion in Lubbock, created the Brennen Teel Foundation to educate the public of the dangers of yellow-jacketed CSST. She released the following response:
"The Fuel Gas Subcommittee formed from Lubbock's Model Code & Construction Advisory Board together with the Fire and Emergency Services spent countless hours and exhibited commitment while composing recommendations focused for the city council to adopt. These recommendations based on facts, science and focused on the safety for the citizens of Lubbock . We appreciate that the Mayor and City Council Members have brought the issue of CSST Safety this far. If this is voted a YES by the council they will set a precedence that will aid others waiting to form and adopt ordinances for enhanced safety."