Look Around Lubbock: Lubbock Executive Airpark

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Look Around Lubbock: Lubbock Executive Airpark


The Lubbock Executive Airpark is hosting a Fly In Breakfast and Young Eagles Rally on Saturday, May 21st.

The Fly In Breakfast will start at 8 a.m. and the Young Eagles Rally will begin at 10:30 a.m.

The Young Eagles is a program dedicated to giving kids their first free flight and introducing them to the world of aviation. It was founded in 1992 and has introduced more than 2 million on their first flight with the help of volunteer pilots.

The Fly In will also feature various planes including an original 1942 North American T-6. The owner of the T-6, Chris Rounds, is offering the public a flight in a piece of history. If you are interested you can contact the Lubbock Executive Airpark for more information.

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