Governor Abbott visits Lubbock on book tour

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Governor Abbott visits Lubbock on book tour


Hundreds filed in to the Hastings on 82nd and Slide to shake hands with and get their copy of  "Broken and Unbowed," signed by the state's governor.

"Governor Abbott has done a lot for our state and our community, so I appreciate him being out here," Alexander Chamales said.

Chamales is the president of Trinity Christian's Republican Club. He said he is in awe of Governor Abbott's success, despite his personal adversity.

"He still knew he had the potential to change the world, he literally has a spine of steel and stands up for his values," Chamales said.

Like the Governor, Columbia University student Sidney Skipper is also wheel chair bound.

"I think he's also pretty inspirational just being in a wheelchair." Skipper said. "It's still a lot of the same things, you face a lot of the same things."

Despite the rumors, Governor Abbott said his book is not a ploy for a future run for presidency. 

"If that were the case, the book would not be coming out during this presidential cycle," Gov. Abbott said.

He said his book does offer solutions he's seeking to address in the upcoming legislative session.

"More than 90 percent of the federal laws, rules and regulations are never even voted on by the United States Congress that shows the United States Constitution has been turned upside down," Gov. Abbott said.

Article I of the constitution dictates, Congress is responsible for passing federal laws. He said the Obama Administration continues to violate that constitution, which he said includes the bathroom debate.

"The United States Congress considered whether or not to include transgender and they refused to do so Barack Obama is now supplanting the position of congress and himself trying to write law that congress refused to write," Gov. Abbott said.

Skipper said the Governor is following his conservative values.

"I think he's conservative, fairly conservative and he's done a lot of the things voters want," Skipper said.

But for Jan Caffey, Governor Abbott is doing the opposite of what she wants.

"Abbott just doesn't care about the needs of women," Caffey said.

Caffey is a member of Texas Democratic Women who protested the book signing.

"Greg Abbot is definitely not a friend to women," Caffey said. "He doesn't want poor women to have access to birth control."

As a former school teacher, Caffey said she's afraid for the future of federal funding of school districts.

Governor Abbott's book tour will make its next stop in Round Rock.

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