Central Lubbock standoff ends peacefully after apartments evacua

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Central Lubbock standoff ends peacefully after apartments evacuated, blocked off

Posted: Updated:
LUBBOCK, Texas -

Update (6:15 p.m.): Lubbock police report Ruben Sandoval, 29, was arrested on multiple charges Saturday evening, including making a terroristic threat, burglary, and stalking. He was taken to UMC to be evaluated for injuries.

Original story (5:58 p.m.):

Lubbock police negotiators talked a man out of his apartment Saturday afternoon after he reportedly barricaded himself inside his home at the Mission Villa Apartments near 54th and Aberdeen Ave.

Lubbock SWAT, Fire Rescue, and police surrounded and evacuated parts of the apartment complex after a domestic disturbance call. The man reportedly locked his estranged wife out of the apartment, then locked himself in an apartment after getting into a fight with her. Investigators say the evacuation and surrounding of the apartment as a precaution and brought the SWAT team in to consult since that group has less lethal gear than normal officers.

No one was reported hurt in the incident. No names have been released.

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