'Running 2 Rescue' aids local sex trafficking support organizati

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'Running 2 Rescue' aids local sex trafficking support organization

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LUBBOCK, Texas -

More than 1,600 participants raised money to support and protect underage girls that have been victims of domestic sex trafficking Saturday morning, by running in a series of races at the "Running 2 Rescue Family Fun Run."

That event benefited OneVoiceHome, an agency that provides support services to, specifically, underage female trafficking victims. This year, all of the proceeds went to funding a residential safe home coming to West Texas.

"We wanted to raise awareness and raise funds so we can make a difference," Trinity Church's Carl Toti said. "So we're doing our part, along with everyone in our community, to make a difference and help rescue -- particularly with OneVoice -- the underage girls that are caught up with human trafficking."

The 100-acre ranch for those victims is expected to open in early 2017.

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