Free meals provided to kids during summer months

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Free meals provided to kids during summer months

LUBBOCK, Texas -

Free meals will be served at more than 30 sites across Lubbock throughout the summer. 

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is offering free summer meals to all kids and teens ages 18 and younger. Summer meal sites can be found at schools, churches, and community centers. 

Many meal sites will also offer educational and recreational activities for kids to enjoy while getting their hot lunch or breakfast. 

Madeline McClure, Texas Hunger Initiative employee, said these meals help families in the summer that are eligible throughout the school year. 

"Here in the Lubbock area approximately 75 percent of students are eligible for free and reduced priced meals," McClure said, "So they count on the meals during the school year, but when summer hits a lot of them are kinda left with the gap, so the Summer Food Service Program steps in to fill that gap."

Parents do not need to apply for the program and can bring their child to any summer meal site around town. To find the closest serving location to where you are, click here.

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