Libertarians hoping to capitalize on unpopularity of Trump, Clin

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Libertarians hoping to capitalize on unpopularity of Trump, Clinton

LUBBOCK, Texas -

Kerry McKennon calls it a perfect storm.

The candidates of both major parties have high unfavorability ratings, and Libertarians are hoping to capitalize.

"More people are saying what are the other options I have because I don't like the two options that are available," McKennon said.

The Libertarian nominee this year is Gary Johnson, the former Republican governor of New Mexico.

Johnson is performing well in recent national polls - some in double digits - despite being relatively unknown.

"Most Americans are libertarian, even if you don't realize it," McKennon said.

The party's platform is a mix of ideals. Johnson calls it fiscally conservative and socially liberal.

"Do what you want as long as you don't infringe on any body else's liberties and freedoms, and the government or the state should not be allowed to infringe on your liberties and freedoms either," McKennon said.

McKennon was a candidate to represent the party on the ballot in the vice presidential slot. He says he's optimistic about the party's prospects in November.

"I think you'll see some gold states," McKennon said, referring to the electoral college map.

Political analyst Seth McKee says that's likely wishful thinking, and strategic voting could be the Libertarian Party's downfall.

"If you look at individual states this fall and you see that the contest is close between Hillary and Donald, then that Libertarian vote is going to be small because those people are going to be told rhetorically, this race is really close, you need to go with who your second choice is if your first choice is Gary Johnson," McKee said.

That's exactly what McKennon is fighting against.

"We just get the same old, same old time and time again," McKennon said. "I say give Libertarians a chance."

Johnson's running mate is William Weld, the former Republican governor of Massachusetts.

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