Woman changes diet to cope with rheumatoid arthritis

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Woman changes diet to cope with rheumatoid arthritis

"You hurt so bad you don't think you can go on any longer," Beth Hinojosa said. That was one year ago.  

"I took something like 20 medications," Hinojosa said. It was all to cope with rheumatoid arthritis. Now, things are different for this mother of three. 

"I do a more holistic approach now," Hinojosa said. After attending one of the largest gatherings of arthritis patients in the nation, Hinojosa learned how diet affects disease. Now, she eats Paleo. 

"No sugar, no grains and no dairy. Now I'm off all medications and able to do things I wasn't able to do before," Hinojosa said. She said  it's like she's been given her life back. 

"I've went from not being able to brush my daughter's hair in the morning to I'm able to exercise, and do some of the things I love now," Hinojosa said. 

She takes a Vectra DA test, which measures disease activity.

"When I first started and got my first Vectra score, I believe it was 49. That is very, very high. That's in the dangerous range. Since I've switched my diet and got off medications, my Vectra DA score has gone down to 37," Hinojosa. A Paleo plate is based on grass-fed proteins, fruits, vegetables and healthy fats. 

"It's changed my life completely," Hinojosa said. While she's been able to manage her RA better, it has no cure and still causes pain. 

"Sometimes people don't look sick, but inside they're really hurting," Hinojosa said.  So, she's continuing to educate others about the inflammation disease. 

"A lot of people think it's just for older people. That is osteoarthritis, there's a difference. RA can affect children," Hinojosa said.  Unlike osteoarthritis, it affects more than joints. 

"There's a lot of inflammation that causes pain, but it also affects a lot of other organs in your body not just your joints. It can affect your heart, your lungs, your brain," Hinojosa said. In addition to eating Paleo, Hinojosa uses an app called "My RA." 

"To keep track of how I'm feeling. That's really good to share with your doctor," Hinojosa said. Click here for information on supporting RA awareness. 

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