Getting your money's worth at the pump

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Getting your money's worth at the pump


Many are planning a vacation road trip this summer and that's why it's important to get your money's worth at the pump.  To get the best gas mileage start off with a tune-up like getting your oil changed regularly. 

"Your engine is a machine that is a hard working machine that that's what you get all your work out of," Steve Clemann, assistant manager at Bolton Oil Change said. "So if you have clean oil in that hard working machine then it's going to work more efficiently for you." 

Another part of that working machine is the air filter, Clemann recommends to keep it clean. 

"The cleaner the air your engine is breathing the better the gas mileage is going to have," Clemann said. 

If you have the money to spare Clemann recommends filling the tank with higher octane gas. 

"That burns hotter so therefore you're going to have a cleaner engine," Clemann explained. "You wont have as much grime and gunk build up inside the engine." 

When it comes to driving mashing the gas pedal won't do your wallet any favors. 

"They peel out, they drive crazy into traffic. That wears your tires down and also eats up a lot of gas in an instant," Clemann said.  

Using cruise control can help you save, though not when driving over hilly terrain. 

"If you're driving in a flat place anywhere in the 200 square mile radius of Lubbock it's pretty flat," Clemann said.  

Clemann recommends limiting air conditioning use if you can to save a bit more. Of course that recommendation may be a little to hot to handle. 

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