Neighbors feeding neighbors: United makes hefty donation to food

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Neighbors feeding neighbors: United makes hefty donation to food bank

LUBBOCK, Texas -

Neighbors feeding neighbors: that's what the CEO of United Supermarkets, Robert Taylor, says is the driving force behind its donation to the South Plains Food Bank.

United donated more than 14,000 pounds of food to the food bank as part of its 100th anniversary.

This donation comes at a time when the food bank needs donations to get through the summer.

Taylor says the store is a neighbor to everyone and neighbors should help when needed and the food bank is one of the ways to do that.

"The food bank fits in between, he said. "They really connect up the people that are in need with the people that have the resources. And so we are more than happy to fill that slot with some folks that have the resources to be able to help the ones in need. And the food bank makes it all work."

He says United is happy to help out such a great facility and is proud to be a part of the food bank.

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